Natural result breast implants by Dr. Kitsios C



Another breast augmentation with anatomic implants for a natural result





In Dr Kitsios experience both round and anatomic breast implants can achieve good aesthetic results but like everything in surgery, each one has its advantages.

Anatomically or tear drop shaped breast implants give more natural aesthetic results in a wider range of breast types (and especially if there are anomalies in their form) compared with round implants. They can be used in a prepectoral plane (meaning inserted in front of the muscle of the chest) while round implants cannot because the breast wound be unnaturally round. Also anatomic breast implants can help avoid rippling at the upper pole of the breast.

Nevertheless, tear drop shaped implants require better planning and greater attention during the creation of the pocket compared to round implants.

Dr Kitsios has a lot of experience with anatomic breast implants in breast augmentation and usually prefers them to round ones. The usual reason for using round breast implants is the sagging of the breast that gives an emptiness of its upper pole